Unleashing Creativity code Through Code

Hello, I'm Catpawz. With four years of experience, I specialize in creating efficient HTML, CSS, and JavaScript websites. I am passionate about web and app development.

Info Portfolio Projects Commission


Want to know more about me? Or are you just interested in stuff about me in general? Check out my info page!

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Want to know more about my workplaces and education certificates? Then check out my portfolio page with exactly that info on it.

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Take a look at all the projects I've worked on so far, and get links to them and more info about them.

Open projects page


Do you need a HTML/CSS/JS or PHP project done? Don't hesistate to check out what I have to offer, and to support me :3

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Contact me

Do you want to help with some projects, or ask me a question? Then please do not hesitate to DM me on discord or contact me through email!